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Garda Vetting

What is Garda Vetting?

Garda vetting is the process of checking a person’s background to see if there are any issues which would make them unsuitable to work or volunteer in an environment with children and/or vulnerable adults.

The person being vetted (the applicant) gives written authorisation for An Garda Síochána to disclose to TU Dublin details of all prosecutions, successful or not, pending or completed, recorded in the State at the time of application.

Why is Garda Vetting Required?

Garda Vetting is required for students who go on work placement where such activity may bring them into contact with vulnerable adults or children.

Without satisfactory Garda clearance, students may be unable to complete the work placement module or other specific modules and consequently be unable to complete their course or receive an award.

When do I apply?

Once you have registered as a TU Dublin student you can apply for Garda Vetting.


The following courses have a Garda Vetting requirement:

Course Code Course Title Location
TU997 Applied Social Care Tallaght
TU991 Applied Social Studies in Social Care Blanchardstown
TU791 Applied Social Studies in Social Care Blanchardstown
TU866 Biomedical & Molecular Diagnostics Grangegorman
TU868 Clinical Measurement Science Grangegorman
TU992 Community Development and Youth Work Blanchardstown
TU792 Community and Youth Development Blanchardstown
TU962 Drama (Performance) Grangegorman
TU995 Early Childhood Education Grangegorman
TU989 Early Childhood Education and Care *** Blanchardstown OR Tallaght
TU790 Early Childhood Education and Care *** Blanchardstown OR Tallaght
TU869 Environmental Health *** Grangegorman
TU870 Human Nutrition and Dietetics ** Grangegorman
TU965 International Business & Languages * Aungier Street
TU867 Medical Science Grangegorman
TU963 Music * Grangegorman
TU761 Ophthalmic Dispensing Grangegorman
TU871 Optometry Grangegorman
TU879 Physics with Medical Physics & Bioengineering * Grangegorman
TU872 Public Health Nutrition Grangegorman
TU657 Pharmacy Technician Studies * Grangegorman
TU654 Pharmacy Technician Studies * Grangegorman
TU996 Social Care Grangegorman
TU935 Sports Management and Coaching ***  Blanchardstown
TU735 Sports Management and Coaching ***  Blanchardstown
TU937 Sports Management and Coaching (1 Year Add On) *** Blanchardstown
TU737 Sports Studies Tallaght

Please note - Programme vetting requirements are subject to change.

* Vetting dependent on choice of elective modules and/or placement

** Vetting for TU870 Human Nutrition & Dietetics is conducted by Trinity College Dublin. Further information available is available here

*** Programme requires re-vetting