IEO Centre Lazer, FOCAS


There will be three annual intakes of research mentors and research mentees on this programme.

The next intake will take place in June with an in-person training session for each category as follows:

How to be a Good Research Mentor (06th June 2025, 10.00 - 12.00, GW302, Greenway Hub)

How to be a Good Research Mentee (05th June 2025, 14.00 - 16.00, GW302, Greenway Hub)

Mentoring is an informal learning process in which the mentor, a more skilled or experienced person, acts as a role model to the mentee. The TU Dublin Research Mentoring Programme supports the University’s strategic goal – Great people in an innovative workplace, and the University’s People Strategy through the personal and professional development of staff.

Our mentoring programme also supports the implementation of recommendations made by the HEA Review of Gender Equality in Higher Education (June 2016) and the TU Dublin Athena SWAN Committee which specifically identified mentoring as an important initiative to support the development and progression of women in higher education.

At their first meeting, the Mentor and Mentee will complete the Mentoring Agreement Template and agree the terms of their mentoring partnership, which should typically last one year.