Register now for our Undergraduate and Postgraduate Open Days, starting on 29 March.


Technological University Dublin (TU Dublin) was established by Ministerial Order under Section 36 of the Technological Universities Act 2018, (Number 3 of 2018), and Statutory Instrument, (Number 437 of 2018), on the appointed day of 1st January 2019.


The Governing Body of Technological University Dublin has been established in accordance with the provisions of the Technological Universities Act 2018 and its functions are as identified in the Act. The Office of the University Secretary provides secretariat, information and support to the Governing Body and its Committees and can be contacted at

Information about the Academic Council including Approved Minutes, Meeting Summaries, Membership, Schedule of Meetings, Terms of Reference and Sub Committee Meetings is available on the Academic Council Intranet page.