people studying a building document

Ready to Begin Your Project

  Ready to Begin Your Project

The Post Award Management Office (PAMO) supports researchers from the point when they have received external funding to conduct a research project. The team work with PIs to facilitate project set-up and to provide information on relevant TU Dublin processes and policies. They also liaise with HR and Finance and provide Secretariat to the Research Ethics & Integrity Committee.

The aim of the PAMO team is to allow PIs to concentrate more on research and less on administration.

Find out more on the Intranet here.....

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TU Dublin welcomes excellent researchers from across the globe as individual funded Fellows or as research staff as part of a project team. Each new researcher is supported by a dedicated team in HR and has access to TU Dublin's structured Researcher Career Development Programme.

TU Dublin has endorsed the European Charter for Researchers and Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers which sets out general principles and requirements for the recruitment and appointment of researchers. We welcome visiting researchers and often have exciting opportunities to join one of our research teams.

Research vacancies are listed on the University Vacancies site.

If you are interested in joining TU Dublin's research community as a postdoctoral fellow we can work with excellent candidates on joint funding applications, contact us at

At TU Dublin, you will develop as a creative, critical and independent researcher and in line with Ireland’s National Framework for Doctoral Education, you will have opportunities to develop and practice a range of key transversal skills, including research skills, ethics and social understanding, communication skills, personal development and career management.  Our graduates are engaged, enterprising, enquiring and experts in their chosen subject discipline, competencies that they apply in industry and the professions, providing solutions to global challenges and making demonstrable contributions to society and the economy. 

Please see all information for Prospective Students.

All researchers at TU Dublin have a duty to conduct their research and innovation activities according to good research practice as outlined in the Code of Conduct for Ensuring Excellence in Research Integrity Consideration of the ethical dimension is an essential step to achieve the high standards required by good research practice and by the University.

As the academic community of TU Dublin engages in highly diverse research and innovation activities, a two-stage approach is used to identify those projects that may be suitable for an expedited review via a self-assessment process and those which require a full review by a Research Ethics Committee. This self-assessment will support researchers who are uncertain about the specific requirements for their project.

If the self-assessment does not identify ethical issues or contravene University policies, the researcher will receive an immediate response via email which can be used as evidence of approval for internal processes (e.g Project set-up).

If one or more ethical issues are identified, the researcher will be directed to complete a full ethics application for review by a Research Ethics Committee and will receive some customised advice aligned with the ethical issues noted in their self-assessment.

The online self-assessment tool is available at Research and Innovation Self-Assessment  and should be completed by all researchers who proposed to engage in research and innovation activity.

For researchers who are already aware that there will be a requirement for a full submission and review by a Research Ethics Committee, they may make a full application at Research Ethics Application. The University Research Ethics Committee meets every 2-3 weeks and submissions must be received at least seven days before a meeting to be considered at the following meeting.  The finalised calendar of meeting dates for the 2023-2024 academic year will be issued shortly.

For advice in relation to your project please contact the University Research Ethics Committee at

The team dedicated to Research within the Finance Department are responsible for:

  • setting up projects on TU Dublin's finance software platform;
  • checking budgets;
  • setting up graduate student's stipend payments; and submitting finance claims to funding agencies.

They also provide support to organisations undertaking audits on behalf of funders including SFI, Enterprise Ireland and the C&AG. 
