Register now for our Undergraduate and Postgraduate Open Days, starting on 29 March.
IEO Centre Lazer, FOCAS

Research & Innovation

TU Dublin hosts a thriving research community engaged in designing innovative technological solutions, generating scientific insights, influencing policy makers, and reflecting on and contributing to the creative life of Ireland and abroad. This is aligned with our vision of solving the world’s most pressing problems and championing these issues at local, national, and global level. We actively support research and innovation activity from across the broad spectrum of disciplines pursued across all five TU Dublin faculties. We identify in our R and I strategy a set of five research priorities, aligned to selected SDGs, where we believe that coalescing our efforts in a transdisciplinary manner will focus and amplify the excellence and impact of our work.


Impact Case Studies

Our impact case studies below highlight tangible outcomes and transformative solutions from our research endeavours.

View all Case Studies.