Student Climate Summit

Published: 11 Sep, 2024

Technological University Dublin is to host a national student summit on climate change in Higher Education in Ireland. Taking place on 31 October 2024, at TU Dublin's Grangegorman campus, the day-long summit is welcoming student representatives from all Irish Higher Education Institutions to attend.

Led by TU Dublin’s Sustainability Education Team, the summit is supported by N-TUTORR and follows on from the Climate Action Leadership Summit hosted by TU Dublin in May of this year.

The event will also see TU Dublin partnering with ECO-UNESCO, National Youth Council of Ireland (NYCI), the Union of Students in Ireland (USI), and An Taisce to facilitate the summit.

We are delighted to welcome Change Clothes who will host a pop-up second hand clothes sale during the lunch break - you might find the perfect ensemble for your Halloween outfit!

This is a forum where students from Higher Education Institutions across Ireland will consider what direction higher education and higher education institutions should take in addressing climate change and climate change education. The summit will address issues of climate change education, climate activism, climate justice, working in a greening economy, food, and climate anxiety. As part of the deliverables students participating in the summit will draft a ‘call-to-action’ addressed to Higher Education in Ireland.

Secure your free ticket here

When: 31 October 2024,

Where: TU Dublin, Grangegorman Campus, Central Quad

Time: To be confirmed, but guests can expect to arrive at 9:30am for a 10:00am start, with the summit ending at approximately 16:00pm



Time Activity Room
9 - 10am Welcome breakfast and registration Central Quad Foyer
10 - 10:30am Welcome and Introduction  CQ-009 theatre, Central Quad
10:30 - 12:30pm  World Café  -Students addressing questions on themes CQ-007 and CQ-008 rooms, Central Quad

12:30- 1:30pm 

Lunch and stand activities Central Quad Foyer

12 - 2pm 

Change Clothes pop up second hand clothes shop  Central Quad Foyer
1:30 - 2:30pm  Summarising feedback from World Café CQ-007 and CQ-008 rooms, Central Quad
2:30 - 3:30pm  Panel discussion of findings: Where do we go from here? CQ-009 theatre, Central Quad
3:30 - 4:00pm  Closing remarks CQ-009 theatre, Central Quad

Speaker Line-up

Student opening discussion

Panel Chair: Charlie Beaudelot, TU Dublin N-TUTORR Sustainability Champion

Jessica Dunne, Friday's for Future and TEDX speaker

Peter O'Neill, University of Galway, Student's Union Environmental Awareness and Sustainability Officer

Craig Douglas, TU Dublin graduate, Content Creator and Podcast Host, AKA Soil Boy- Feet on the Soil


Discussion session

Jennie Stephens, Professor of Climate Justice, Maynooth University

Jennifer Boyer, Vice President for Sustainability, TU Dublin

Dr Clare Kelly, Associate Professor, Sustainability Fellow, Trinity College Dublin

Sarah Murphy, Student Experience Officer, Trinity College Dublin

Mark Kelly, HEA National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, Atlantic Technological University

Samantha Fahy, Sustainability Manager, Dublin City University

David Ryan, Associate Vice President for Sustainability, South East Technological University