Aaron Byrne

Image for Aaron Byrne

Research Assistant

Email: aaron.x.byrne@tudublin.ie 

Tel: +353 87 099 3048

PHD Project Title: Hydrophilic Coating Failure Analysis of Medical Device Coatings

  • Started in CREST in March 2020 as an undergraduate student
  • Carried out a final year thesis investigating modified sol-gel solutions for anti-scratch coatings
  • Commenced postgraduate research in CREST in September 2020
  • Collaborating with an Multi-National Corporation investigating actuating surfaces and the resulting surface topography
  • Collaborating with a medical device manufacturer in exploring lubricious polyurethane coatings and evaluating the failure mechanisms exhibited by soft medical device coatings in use.

Bullet point skills, e.g.

  • BSc in Chemical Sciences with Medicinal Chemistry
  • Surface Coating Analysis
  • Sol-gel processing
  • Industrial collaborations – MNC's and various Medical Device Manufacturers

Research Profile: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Aaron-Byrne-3

Image for Aaron Byrne