Margaret Dunne

Dr Margaret Dunne is a cellular immunologist and lecturer at the Department of Applied Science, TU Dublin, Tallaght campus since 2022. She was awarded a PhD from Maynooth University in 2010 for her work on cellular interactions between gamma delta T cells and dendritic cells. Her postdoctoral work involved investigating the function of unconventional T cells in the human intestine in paediatric and adult coeliac disease, and in intestinal cancers and pre-malignant inflammatory conditions.
In 2014 she was awarded an Irish Research Council Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowship to develop her work investigating the role of unconventional T cell subsets in oesophageal cancer. After securing funding from the Health Research Board in 2016, she went on to establish the Cancer Immunopathology research group at the Trinity Translational Medicine Institute, St James’s Hospital Dublin, evaluating prognostic immune markers in oesophageal cancer treatment response.
Oesophageal cancer is an aggressive cancer with poor prognosis, and levels are rising drastically in the western world, linked with obesity and deprivation. Dr Dunne has therefore led several public and patient involvement projects aiming to reduce healthcare inequality through public education around cancer and research. She has organised public information events and co-created educational materials on how cancer research is carried out.
Dr Dunne has over a decade of teaching experience, holds two teaching qualifications and has supervised over a dozen students at postgraduate and undergraduate levels.
For publication and funding information, please see ORCID and Research Gate profiles.