Gordon Cooke

Academic PI
Email: gordon.cooke@tudublin.ie
Tel: +353 1 220 7910
Gordon Cooke is a lecturer in biological sciences and an active research scientist. He completed his PhD in 2004 in IT Tallaght before being appointed as a Newman Fellow in UCD where he undertook research into the development of Barrett’s Metaplasia. After two years in UCD, he went to New Zealand where he worked in the School of Nursing at the University of Auckland, as a Research Assistant. Upon returning to Ireland, he worked for Prof. Seamas Donnelly in UCD. Here he was involved in several SFI Program Grant projects looking into various fibrotic diseases of the respiratory system including idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, sarcoidosis, and cystic fibrosis. He then worked for a year with Prof. Michael Keane’s group where he gained an interest in exosomes and their role in disease. He joined what is now Technological University Dublin in August 2016 where he established his own research group and developed his own research interests, particularly around exosomes. He is also actively involved in educational research around technology-enhanced learning, student retention, and student resilience.
Key Research Interests
- Microbiology
- Antibiotic Resistance
- Exosome Therapeutics
- Exosomes in Disease
- Educational Research
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