Dr. Fintan Kelleher, PhD

Organic and Bioorganic/Medicinal Chemistry PI and MDS Group LEAD
Email: fintan.kelleher@tudublin.ie
Tel: +353 1 220 7904
Dr. Fintan Kelleher is the leader of the Molecular Design & Synthesis Group, with over 30 years’ experience in research in both Industrial and Academic settings. From 1991-1997 he was a Senior Research Chemist in the Medicinal Chemistry Department of the Neuroscience Research Centre of MSD, UK. There he worked on projects related to diseases of the CNS and was part of the team which developed Emend®, for Chemotherapy Induced Nausea and Vomiting, which was approved for use by the FDA and EMA in 2004. He is the Founder of AMR Ireland (www.amr.ie), a network to help to address the global public health crisis that is Antimicrobial Resistance.
In TU Dublin, he has supervised 17 PhD and MSc research students to completion. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry and the Institute of Chemistry in Ireland, as well as being a Chartered Chemist and Chartered Scientist. His research funders include SFI, IRC, EI, HEA (PRTLI) and TU Dublin. He has collaborative links with researchers in Ireland (UCC, RCSI, ICHEC, Maynooth University and TCD) and Internationally (Germany, France, Netherlands and UK), as well as industry links with MNCs, including Ipsen, Henkel and Glanbia.
Key Research Interests & Synthesis Expertise
Peptide Synthesis using both solution and solid-phase methods; Greener peptide synthesis; Antimicrobial peptides, especially bacteriocins containing unusual amino acid residues; Peptide/Protein solution conformation, stability, and solubility properties; Antibiotic metabolites and AMR development; Metal-based antimicrobial agents; Biofilm inhibition; Preparation of biologically active molecules; Medicinal Chemistry; Computational studies.
- Publications and research outputs at ORCID ID: www.orcid.org/0000-0001-5507-9092 Researcher ID: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/F-2956-2010