Dr Ruairí de Fréin

Email: ruairi.defrein@tudublin.ie
Ruairí de Fréin is a Lecturer in Electronic Engineering and a Science Foundation Ireland Starting Investigator in Technological University Dublin, City Campus. His team consists of one postdoctoral researcher and three PhD students. Prior to joining TU Dublin he held a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Visiting Research Fellowship (which involved partners from EMC, Cork, KTH Stockholm, and ETH Zurich) and was hosted by Amadeus SAS, France in 2014. He held an Irish Research Council and Marie Sklodowska-Curie Research Fellowship and was hosted by KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden in 2015. He was one of the creators of the cloud mobile application platform Feedhenry (2009-2014), which was sold for 63.5m euros to Red Hat. He has co-ordinated collaborative research projects with industry and academia; these projects created pre-commercial prototypes, invention disclosures and a suite of patents were filed. Following collaboration with Alcatel Lucent in 2011 he was awarded an SFI TIDA to build a prototype femtocell monitoring solution. He filed one patent based on this technology. Former PhD students have gone on to work with IBM and Huawei in Senior AI Research roles. His current research is in machine learning and signal processing for data-centre monitoring, signal processing for blind deconvolution/system identification and EEG analysis to support use-cases in biometrics and assistive technologies. He co-organized IMVIP in 2019 which is the annual conference of the Irish Pattern Recognition and Classification Society.