Dr Matt Bowden

Senior Lecturer
Email: matt.bowden@tudublin.ie
Tel: +353 1 2205444
Orcid ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7840-2542
- BA Moderatorship in Business Economic and Social Studies [Sociology and Politics], University of Dublin, Trinity College, 1993.
- PhD, School of Social Science and Philosophy, University of Dublin, Trinity College, 2008, supervised by: Professor Robert J. Holton.
- PgDip Learning and Teaching [Third Level], Dublin Institute of Technology, 2010.
- Diploma in Addiction Studies, Trinity College Dublin, 1984.
Teaching Subject Areas
- Undergraduate: Introductory Sociology; Social Theory; Drug Problems, Policies and Approaches.
- Postgraduate: Criminological Theory; Policing, Crime Prevention and Security Governance.
Research Interests
Security and Inclusive Societies
- Technology & Ethics: Populism & Democracy
- Crime Prevention and Local Crime Control
- Urban Security Governance
- Rural Crime & Security
- Comparative Criminology
- Bourdieu, Field Analysis and Multiple Correspondence Analysis
Current / Recent Research Projects
- PI for Project BORDEX - The Post-Brexit Security Field on the Island of Ireland: The Role of Civil Society in Everyday Security, funded by North South Research Programme, Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science / Higher Education Authority, 2022-2024 (ongoing).
- ‘The Constitution of the Security Field – Ireland’, 2015-2021 – TU Dublin Research Seed Award
- ‘Crime, Risk and Resilience in the Countryside: Governing Rural Security’ with Artur Pytlarz, Irish Research Council Government of Ireland Scholarship 2016-2022.
- Drug Intimidation Initiative, collaboration with Ana Liffey Drugs Project 2020-2021
- Drug economy and youth interventions, collaboration with City Wide Drugs Crisis Campaign, 2018-2019
- National Expert (Ireland) GOPA / EU Commission / DG Home Crime Statistics Comparability Project 2018-2020
- Being and Becoming Secure: Investigating and Exploring the Security Habitus, with Jason Quinn, IRC Government of Ireland Scholar, 2019-2022
Current Research Student Supervision
- Artur Pytlarz - Crime, Risk and Resilience in the Countryside: Governing Rural Security, IRC Government of Ireland Scholar
- Andy Bray- Re-Modeling the National Children’s Detention Campus: How does the change in in the focus of offender management impact on the existing historical child-care habitus?
- Adeyemi Adekanle: Police police career choices of sub-Saharan Africans: Questions of culture and procedural justice.
- Maura Finnie: Police occupational culture and intergenerational police habitus, TU Dublin Fiosraigh scholar
- Jason Quinn: Being and Becoming Secure: Investigating and Exploring the Security Habitus, IRC Government of Ireland Scholar
- Ola Falodun: Policing and non-state security governance in West Africa: The case of Nigeria
- Killian Cullen: Investigating and Exploring the Impact of Police Pluralisation on Police Culture and Police Dispositions, TU Dublin Research Scholar Award
Recent Publications
Bowden, M. & Harkness, A. (2022) (eds.) Transformations and Rural Crime: International Critical Perspectives in Rural Criminology. Bristol: Bristol University Press.
Bowden, & Pytlarz, A. (2022). Late Modernity and the Governance of Rural Security: From Solid to Liquid, in Bowden, A. & Harkness, A. (eds.) Transformations and Rural Crime: International Critical Perspectives in Rural Criminology, pp. 66-86. Bristol: Bristol University Press.
Harkness, A., Bowden, M. & Donnermeyer, J. F. (2022) The Future for Rural Criminology: Transformation and Transcendence of Borders, in Bowden, A. & Harkness, A. (eds.) Transformations and Rural Crime: International Critical Perspectives in Rural Criminology, pp. 183-202. Bristol: Bristol University Press.
Bowden, M. & Pytlarz, A. (2022) Entering the Relational Space: Using Field-Analytic Methods in Researching Rural Security, in Weisheit, R., Peterson, J. & Pytlarz, A. Research Methods for Rural Criminologists, pp. 143-145. London: Routledge.
Harkness, A., Peterson, J, Bowden, M., Pedersen, C. & Donnermeyer, J.F. (2022). The Encyclopedia of Rural Crime. Bristol: Bristol University Press (in Press, December 2022).
Pytlarz, A. & Bowden, M. (2022) Crime-Talk in the Countryside, in Weisheit, R., Peterson, J. & Pytlarz, A. Research Methods for Rural Criminologists, pp. 91-102. London: Routledge.
Bowden, M. & Pytlarz, A (2020). The Development of Rational Models of Crime Prevention: A Critique of the Situationist Commonsense in Rural Contexts, in Harkness, A. (ed) Rural Crime Prevention: Theory, Tactics and Techniques, pp. 30-42. London: Routledge.
Bowden, M. (2020) The Gift Relation, in List, R., Anheier, H. & and Toepler S., (eds.) International Encyclopedia of Civil Society. New York: Springer
Bowden, M. (2019). The security field: Forming and expanding a Bourdieusian criminology. Criminology & Criminal Justice. 21(2), 169-186 https://doi.org/10.1177/1748895819839734
Pytlarz, A., & Bowden, M. (2019). “Crime-Talk”, Security and Fear in the Countryside: A Preliminary Study of a Rural Irish Town and its Hinterland. International Journal of Rural Criminology, 4(2): 138-172.
Bowden, M. (2019). The Drug Economy and Youth Interventions: An Exploratory Research Project on Working with Young People Involved in the Illegal Drugs Trade. Dublin: Citywide Drugs Crisis Campaign.
Bowden, M. (2017). Community Safety, Social Cohesion and Embedded Autonomy: A Case from South-West Dublin. Crime Prevention and Community Safety, 19(2): 1-16.
Bowden, M & Topping, J. (2016). ‘Crime Prevention and Community Safety’, in Healy, D., Hamilton, C., Daly, Y. & Butler, M. (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Irish Criminology. London: Routledge.
Bowden M, (2015). Evaluation of the Community Safety Initiative – Assignment of RAPID Co-ordinators. Dublin: Tallaght West Childhood Development Initiative
Bowden, M. (2014). Crime, Disorder and Symbolic Violence: Governing the Urban Periphery. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Professional Activities & Engagement
- Editor International Book Series, Research in Rural Crime, Bristol University Press / Policy Press with Alistair Harkness, Federation University, Victoria, Australia
- Member (incoming) Royal Irish Academy Social Sciences Committee, 2022-
- Head of Research, Faculty of Arts & Humanities (formerly College of Arts & Tourism), Technological University Dublin, 2018-2022.
- Member of European Culture & Technology Lab ECt+, European University of Technology, 2020-
- Adjunct Senior Lecturer in the School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences at the University of New England, New South Wales, Australia 2021-
- Research Associate, Centre for Rural Criminology, the University of New England, New South Wales, Australia 2020-
- Hon. Treasurer and Director of the Sociological Association of Ireland 2012-2017
- Vice-President of the Sociological Association of Ireland, 2017-2018
- Peer Reviewer for a range of national and international journals including Theoretical Criminology, Sociological Forum, Irish Journal of Sociology, Irish Journal of Applied Social Studies, Administration, International Criminology.
- Editorial Board, International Journal of Rural Criminology 2021-
- Independent Chair South West Clondalkin Community Safety Forum, 2017-2021
- Board member, St Teresa’s Gardens Regeneration Board, 2019-