Dr Brian Vaughan

Senior Lecturer, School of Media
Email: brian.vaughan@tudublin.ie
Dr. Brian Vaughan is a senior lecturer in creative digital media, and the director of the Virtual Interaction Research Lab at TU Dublin. Brian received his BA in Philosophy and Sociology from Trinity College Dublin in 2001; his MA in Audio Technology from Technological University Dublin in 2003, and his PhD in Emotional Speech Analysis from Technological University Dublin in 2011. He worked as a post-doctoral researcher in the Speech Communication Lab in Trinity College for a number of years where he developed, patented, and licensed novel speech analysis technology for the aviation industry. He returned to Technological University Dublin in 2013 where he was programme chair of the MSc in Creative Digital Media and User Experience for five years. As a newly appointed senior lecturer, he went on to found the Virtual Interaction Research Lab (VIRaL) in 2018. The lab is a cutting edge, Mixed Reality (MR) research and development lab that works closely with industry to research, develop, and explore the potential of mixed reality technologies across a number of domains. The lab places great emphasis on User Centred Design (UCD), and utilises a mix of game design and pedagogical methodologies in order to deliver immersive, engaging virtual experiences.