Dr Ayuna Murphy

Training, Education and Communications Manager, Collaboratory at TU Dublin
Email: collaboratory@tudublin.ie
Ayuna Murphy is the Training, Education and Communications Manager with Collaboratory at TU Dublin. She was awarded a Ph.D. in Economics from Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics (UNECON) for work in developing theoretical foundation of government regulations to support innovative development of the Russian economy. Ayuna lectured Economics in undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics (UNECON) and DCU@PNU and delivered vocational business courses in Laureate Vocational Saudi Arabia. Ayuna was a consultant with Pearson Economics Digital Advisory Board where she advised on the Higher Education “landscape” and reviewed digital materials and products. Ayuna contributed to research into skill gaps in eHealth across Ireland and the Manufacturing industry in the North-East region conducted by FIT Ltd. Ayuna is passionate about supporting the current and future competitiveness and development of the industry in the country by facilitating collaboration between industry and education providers. Close collaboration would bridge the gap between industry and academia and provide skill development opportunities relevant to industry needs and requirements.
Dissertation titled: “Improving the system of government regulation of innovative development of the Russian economy”