Javier Torres

Postgraduate Research
Email: jtorferna@ual.es
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J. Javier Torres-Fernández, BA and MA in English Studies, PhD candidate in Social Sciences and Humanities (Language and Literary Studies), is a predoctoral fellow at the University of Almería (Spain) funded by the Spanish Ministry for Universities (FPU21/01232). At the same institution, he is a member of the "Women, Literature and Society" (HUM-874) research group and the "Communication and Society" Research Centre (CySOC).
He has delivered papers at more than twenty international and national conferences, and his recent publications include articles in international journals and book chapters in edited volumes published with Peter Lang, Brill and Routledge, among others. He is part of the research project "TRANS-FORMATIONS: Queer Practices of Use and Embodiment in Post 9/11 Narratives in English" (PID2023-146450NB-I00), funded by the Spanish Ministry for Universities, the European Union and the National Research Agency.
He actively collaborates with RAUDEM as secretary, JOFIS and REDEN as a member of their editorial boards, PopMeC as treasurer and SAAS Young Scholars as Workshops Coordinator. The scope of his research includes Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Queer Studies, Irish Literature, American Literature, Metaphor Studies, HIV/AIDS and Popular Culture. He has been part of the National Centre for Franco-Irish Studies (NCFIS) as a postgraduate research student and a member of the Spanish Association for Irish Studies (AEDEI) since 2022.