Dr. Eamon Maher

Director of the National Centre for Franco-Irish Studies
Email: eamon.maher@tudublin.ie
Tel: + 353 1 220 7518
Eamon Maher is Director of the National Centre for Franco-Irish Studies, which is affiliated to the School of Tourism and Hospitality Management and based on the Tallaght Campus of TU Dublin. Author of four monographs and 27 edited/co-edited books, he is also General Editor of two critically acclaimed academic book series with Peter Lang Oxford, Reimagining Ireland and Studies in Franco-Irish Relations. Recent publications include (with Máirtín Mac Con Iomaire), New Beginnings: Perspectives from France and Ireland (Peter Lang, 2023), and (with Sarah Balen), Sounding the Margins: Literary Examples from France and Ireland (Peter Lang, 2022). In 2019, he co-edited (with Eugene O’Brien), Reimagining Irish Studies for the Twenty-First Century (2021), which is the special 100th volume in the Reimagining Ireland series.
Eamon is an internationally renowned scholar of the work of John McGahern (1934-2006), on whom he has published two monographs, John McGahern: From the Local to the Universal (The Liffey Press, 2003) and ‘The Church and its Spire’: John McGahern and the Catholic Question (Columba Press, 2011), and one collection (with Derek Hand), Essays on John McGahern: Assessing a Literary Legacy (Cork University Press, 2019). He also published one of only two monographs available on the French priest-writer Jean Sulivan, on whom he did his PhD research, Jean Sulivan (1913-1980): La marginalité dans la vie et l’oeuvre (L’Harmattan, 2008). He is currently writing a book in English on Sulivan’s relevance for third millennial Ireland.
Eamon is an Officier dans l’Ordre des Palmes Académiques, an award bestowed on him by the French Government for his outstanding work in promoting Franco-Irish relations.