Dr Richard Gallery

Sustainability Projects Senior Manager
Email: richard.gallery@tudublin.ie
Tel: 012207152
Richard Gallery is Sustainability Projects Senior Manager at TU Dublin, working in the Office of the Vice President for Sustainability, Jennifer Boyer. The role encompasses leading and managing ‘Beacon’ projects in this domain, whose purpose is help to develop the way forward for the University in curriculum transformation, and serve as exemplars in the embedding of sustainability in our operations and in terms of the graduate identity we seek to inculcate, in line with the TU Dublin strategic plan.
The principal project with which Richard is involved at this time is a Human Capital Initiative project, Resilient Design Curriculum for 21st Century Professionals, working with all six schools of architecture in the Republic of Ireland towards the refocussing of architecture education to have sustainability at its core.
Richard is an engineer by education and professional practice, having previously worked with Philips Research Labs, an engineering educator through over 20 years of practice developing and leading engineering education in Institute of Technology Blanchardstown and laterally as part of TU Dublin’s Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment, and, more recently, coordinated the Cinnte quality assurance review for TU Dublin. In addition to graduate and postgraduate engineering qualifications from UCG, he holds a Doctorate in Higher and Adult Education from Maynooth University.
Richard has previously been active in research into Virtual Reality, Machine Vision and Embedded Systems. His current research interests concern the relationship between curriculum change and academic identity, and, additionally, the relevance of, and possible structures for, academic progression opportunities for tradespeople onwards to degree programmes.
Richard Gallery BE MEngSc EdD CEng