Edmund Nevin

Email: edmund.nevin@tudublin.ie
Tel: +3531 220 6686
Edmund Nevin is lecturer based in the School of Civil & Structural Engineering at Technological University, Dublin (Bolton Street Campus). Prior to joining academia he worked in both the private and public sector in Ireland and the UK. He holds undergraduate degrees in Maths and Civil Engineering as well as postgraduate qualifications in Engineering Computation, Third Level Teaching and Learning, and Education. At TU Dublin, he lectures across multiple levels and programmes, undertaking duties within teaching, research, and support both for students and colleagues. He has made many contributions to the School and University through membership of Academic Board, Academic Council and other committees.
In 2013, he was a founding member of CREATE aligned to the spatial ability research group. Edmund’s research activity has focussed on two areas: engineering education and the role of spatial skills in STEM education. He has presented papers at a number of international conferences and collaborated with national and international researchers including Fulbright and Marie-Curie Scholars. Much of Edmund’s research has been focussed on improving educational practice, with positive impacts on TU Dublin’s students and on a wider audience. His current research interest is in the use of psychometric techniques to measure, as opposed to assessing, student’s performance in engineering programmes.
Edmund is a previous recipient of a Teaching Fellowship from the College of Engineering and Built Environment, Bolton St. (2013) and a TU Dublin Teaching Fellowship (2019) where, as a member of CoCreate (Collaborative Curriculum Reimagining and Enhancement Aiming to Transform Education) he worked with colleagues across TU Dublin to develop a curriculum framework to act as a set of guiding principles/values that would enhance programme development by informing the design of teaching and learning activities across all TU Dublin campuses.
You can view Edmunds’s Publications and Research outputs on:
Arrow: https://tinyurl.com/bdewdswx
Research Gate: https://tinyurl.com/2fjja8rn
Google Scholar: https://tinyurl.com/2fjja8rn
ORCHID: https://tinyurl.com/8jhxf583
Publons: https://tinyurl.com/3hmm4dts