Dr. Aimee Byrne

Bio-CERG Lead, Lecturer in Civil & Structural Engineering, Research PI.
Email: aimee.byrne@tudublin.ie
Expertise Keywords:
- Bio-based Building Materials,
- Circular Construction,
- Energy Efficient Buildings,
- Retrofit, Sustainable Buildings,
- Building Physics,
- Modelling and Monitoring,
- Heat transfer,
- Thermodynamics,
- BIM,
- Structural Engineering,
- Education.
Short Summary:
Aimee is a Lecturer in Civil & Structural Engineering who is involved in national and international research in the above listed areas. She has been researching sustainable buildings since 2009 which spans from retrofit to material design and circular construction practices. She has experience in lab and in-situ monitoring and analysis, developing verified dynamic models, and conducting occupant, stakeholder and policy-maker surveys and interviews. She is currently on the Board for DYNASTEE, the EU network for 'DYNamic Analysis, Simulation and Testing applied to the Energy and Environmental performance of buildings'.