Dr Adam Narbudowicz

Postdoctoral Fellow
Email: adam.narbudowicz@dit.ie
Tel: +353 (0)1 402 4716
M.Sc. in Electronic Engineering (Gdansk University of Technology, Gdansk, Poland) PhD in Microwave Antenna Engineering (Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland)
Adam is an EDGE postdoctoral research fellow co-funded by Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions. He leads the project "Wireless-SPIne: Wireless Security and Privacy for INternEt of things" which combines research on electromagnetic field, wireless communication and cryptography to find new solutions to boost security of Internet of Thing. The project is conducted as part of CONNECT research centre and is a joint collaboration between DIT and Trinity College Dublin.
His other research activities include remote sensing, electrically small antenna arrays and passive microwave circuits for full-duplex radio.
Adam received Ph.D. in November 2013 from Dublin Institute of Technology (Dissertation: "Advanced Circularly Polarised Microstrip Patch Antennas", supervised by Prof. Max Ammann and Dr. Xiulong Bao). Between 2014 - 2016 he was working at the Institute of High Frequency Technology, RWTH Aachen University in Aachen, Germany.
- 2018 Prof. Tom Brazil CONNECT Excellence in Research Award
- 2018 IEEE-EURASIP Summer School on Signal Processing, San Vincenzo, Italy. Best poster by popular vote award for the poster titled "Physical Layer Wireless Privacy for Internet of Things".
- 2017 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP 2017), Phuket, Thailand. Best paper award (3rd place).
- 2017 EDGE Postdoctoral Fellowship- co-funded by Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions. Project "Wireless-SPIne – Wireless Security and Privacy for INtErnet of things"
- 2016 Dublin Region Innovation Consortium (DRIC) - Inventor of the Month Competition (March)
- 2014 ELEVATE: Irish Research Council International Career Development Fellowship – co-funded by Marie Curie Actions
- 2012 DIT Inventor Competition Award for the best postgraduate/staff invention