Dr Matthias John

Senior Researcher
Email: matthias.john@tudublin.ie
Dr. Matthias John was a Senior Researcher at the Antenna & High Frequency Research Centre. His research was funded by CONNECT - Centre for Future Networks. He joined the group in 2004, having received the Dipl.-Inf. (FH) degree in Telecommunications and Computer Science from the Deutsche Telekom University of Applied Science Leipzig, Germany. He completed his PhD in November 2008.
He has worked on on subjects including Ultra Wideband Antennas, Evolutionary Optimization Techniques and Antenna Miniaturization. The optimisation techniques he developed are employed in the AHFR centre to optimise antennas for applications in most research areas.
Matthias has implemented genetic algorithms and other advanced evolutionary optimisation algorithms for various computing architectures in Matlab and Perl programming languages. He has also helped to develop and setup the AHFR Laboratory’s manufacturing and measurement systems, IT infrastructure and this website.
His postdoctoral research was based on small, reconfigurable antennas for IoT and M2M embedded devices. Focusing on installed performance and efficiency. He was also working on RFID antennas for ticketing/access systems and contactless payment cards and readers.
Research Interests and Expertise
- Computationally efficient multi-objective evolutionary optimisation [1].
- Small-envelope ceramic surface mounted UWB antennas [2], [3], [4].
- Antenna shapes based on Bézier Spline functions [5], [6].
- Directional UWB antennas [7], [8], [9].
- Genetic Algorithm Optimisation of wide-band printed monopoles and feed systems [10].
- Optimisation and miniaturisation of multi-band and wide-band printed elements [11], [12].
- Pattern reconfigurable antennas [13].
- Design Principles of Antennas for Multi-band Reconfigurable Wireless Systems [14].
- RFID antennas [15].
- Antennas for asset tagging [16].
- Small embedded antennas for IoT and M2M devices [17], [18], [19], [20].
- On-chip antennas in 28nm CMOS [21].
- Silver certificate at the Microelectronic Circuits Centre Ireland (MCCI) annual forum student paper competition, October 2016 for the paper titled "A 33 GHz Active Integrated Antenna in 28 nm CMOS Technology for 5G".
- CST University Publication Award 2011 for the paper titled "Miniature Ceramic Dual-PIFA Antenna to Support Band Group 1 UWB Functionality in Mobile Handset".
- DIT Hothouse Researcher Commercialisation Award 2011.
- DIT Hothouse Researcher Commercialisation Award 2010.
- DIT Hothouse Researcher Commercialisation Award 2009.
- Best poster award at the 2007 CTVR Annual Plenary Meeting.
Professional Affiliations
- Senior member of the IEEE