Dr Kansheng Yang

PhD GraduateM.Eng (IT Tallaght, Dublin, Ireland)
Kansheng graduated in 2018. He joined the Centre in November 2014 as a PhD student after completing a MEng at Radio Frequency Technology Centre, IT Tallaght. He was supervised by Prof Max Ammann and Dr Patrick McEvoy.
The circuit design presented at the front end design of a radio receiver focus on optimizing the performance of the low noise transistor. The goal is to optimize Noise Figure (NF) vs. Power supply current (Ids) of this transistor using source pull techniques. The project addresses the possibility to achieve a reliable radio communications with the least possible transistor power while considerable gain and noise figure can be achieved.
A passive Active Integrated Antenna is designed to match the interface of the particular low noise transistor circuit directly.
The outcomes of the this M.Eng project are an actual physical circuit mainly based on the Printed circuit Board with RF components and a simulation model provided using the software Agilent Advanced Design System (ADS) 2009
Best student paper award at the Loughborough Antennas and Propagation Conference, November 2015 for the paper titled "A Back-to-Back Beam Switching Microstrip Patch Antenna"