Dr John Gilligan

Email: john.gilligan@tudublin.ie
Tel: +353-1-220-5611
Dr John Gilligan is a lecturer in Computer Science TU Dublin School of Computer Science
For over 20 years, he has been involved in the design and development of and has lectured on many course modules in Universal Design, Assistive Technology and Web Accessibility, at Undergraduate, CPD and Masters Level. Currently he is part of the MOOCA project which is a strategic partnership under Erasmus Plus, which aims to deliver MOOCS on Accessibility and related topics.
He has participated in many Assistive Technology projects including the Inclusive Learning through Technology Projects funded by the McMahan Foundation and the E4 Education for Employment Project funded by the EQUAL EU funding initiative. He has also been part of the development of many Assistive ICT applications including Switch Access games, maths authoring systems and aptitude tests and navigation aids and clothes locators for the visually impaired.
Modelling Assistive Technology Systems using the International Classification of Functioning(ICF) has been a central theme of his research efforts and he has produced a number of publications in this regard. He has participated in a systematic review of recent application of the ICF for the Center of Excellence in Universal Design.
He has also lectured in Medical Informatics and is currently chair of the CPD course in Clinical Coding , which is run jointly between the Healthcare Pricing Office and the School of Computer Science, TU Dublin.