Dr Emma Murphy

Email: emma.x.murphy@tudublin.ie
Tel: +353-1-220-5766
Emma is the Coordinator for MSc Dissertations in the School of Computer Science and teaches across undergraduate and postgraduate courses including Databases 1 and Data Management. Before joining TU Dublin she was a Research Fellow in the Trinity Centre for Practice & Healthcare Innovation (TCPHI) at Trinity College Dublin. She completed her PhD at the Sonic Arts Research Centre at Queen's University Belfast and has worked as a postdoctoral researcher in the School of Computing at Dublin City University and the School of Information Studies at McGill University, Montreal. Emma has over 50 peer reviewed publications in the area of digital health, multimodal interaction design and accessibility for people with disabilities and older adults. In addition to her academic expertise Emma has experience working in both NGO and industry sectors.
Research Interests:
- Digital Health
- UX Design, Accessibility
- Auditory Interfaces
- Multimodal Interaction
- Data Ethics.
Research Groups: