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Diversifying Power: Why We Need Antiracist, Feminist Leadership on Climate and Energy

8 Mar, 2022

Tues 8 March 2022, 17.00-18.30

Diversifying Power: Why We Need Antiracist, Feminist Leadership on Climate and Energy

Confirmed speaker: Prof. Jennie Stephens, Northeastern University, Boston.

Discussant: Dr Seán Henry


In her recent book, Jennie Stephens argues that effectively addressing climate change requires diversifying leadership, redistributing wealth and power, and moving beyond mainstream male-dominated technocratic solutions to climate change. As the climate crisis worsens, innovative approaches have to link climate action with societal transformation toward a more just and equitable future.  “We need more bold leaders committed to social justice who recognize how the biggest challenges facing society are linked and that the best opportunities for change are when these challenges are addressed together”