Dr Wael Rashwan

Email: wael.rashwan@tudublin.ie
Tel: 01 220 6466
Wael Rashwan is a Lecturer in Data Analytics at Technological University Dublin (TU Dublin) with over 15 years of experience in data analytics, optimization and machine learning. He holds a PhD in Operations Research and Optimization from TU Dublin and first-honour degrees in computer science, and M.Sc. in Operations Research from Cairo University, Egypt. Wael has a wide range of experience in both academia and industry, having managed and led data analytics projects as a Principal Investigator at the EI/IDA-funded CeADAR Centre for applied data analytics and AI. He is a researcher and leader at 3S Group, TU Dublin, heading the healthcare analytics track, directing analytics projects and leading collaboration with industry partners. Also, he is a Principal Investigator at Explainable AI Group (XAG), responsible for leading and managing the research projects and activities carried out by the group, obtaining funding and disseminating findings. He is particularly interested in developing solutions and theories to support and address decision-making in uncertain and complex environments using his areas of research, particularly machine learning, predictive/prescriptive modelling, explainable AI, simulation/optimization, and healthcare. Wael is also actively working on various business and industry projects to improve operations and increase efficiency. He is also actively publishing papers in these areas in top-tier journals and conferences, showing the impact of his research in the field.
Current research focuses:
machine learning, predictive/prescriptive modelling, explainable AI, simulation/optimization, and healthcare
Academic Journal Publications
Keshtkar, L., Rashwan, W., Abo-Hamad, W., & Arisha, A. (2020). A hybrid system dynamics, discrete event simulation and data envelopment analysis to investigate boarding patients in acute hospitals. Operations Research for Health Care, 26, 100266.
Thorwarth, M., Rashwan, W., & Arisha, A. (2016). An analytical representation of flexible resource allocation in hospitals. Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, 28(1), 148-165.
Rashwan, W., Abo-Hamad, W., & Arisha, A. (2015). A system dynamics view of the acute bed blockage problem in the Irish healthcare system. European Journal of Operational Research, 247(1), 276-293.
Ragab, M., Rashwan, W., Abo-Hamad, W., & Arisha, A. (2013). Using modelling and simulation to improve elderly care in Ireland: a case study. Int. Journal On Advances in Life Sciences, 5, 89-102.
Taha, A., Cosgrave, B., Rashwan, W., & McKeever, S. (2021). Insurance Reserve Prediction: Opportunities and Challenges. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Science & Computational Intelligence, Krakow, Poland, 16–18.
McQuillan, D., Cooney, T. M., Nolan, C., Osaghae, O. G., Rashwan, W., & Sweeney, L. (2020). Management development in Small and Medium Sized Firms in The Republic of Ireland: An Investigation of Contingency Factors and Management Development Activities. (2021). IAM.
Bode, M., & Rashwan, W. (2020). Towards a model for the use of dynamic capabilities to achieve maturity in digital transformation. 27th EurOMA Conference.
Mahfouz, A., Choudhary, R., Crowe, J., Rashwan, W., & Owida, A. (2020). Investigating brexit implications on the Irish agri-food exports: a simulation-based scenario mapping model. 2020 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), 1480–1491. IEEE.
Rashwan, W., Fowler, J., & Arisha, A. (2018, December). A multi-method scheduling framework for medical staff. In 2018 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC) (pp. 1464)
Keshtkar, L., Rashwan, W., Abo-Hamad, W., & Arisha, A. (2017). Hybrid Modeling Approach to Investigate the Impact of Boarding Patients on Unit Performance. SIMUL.
Rashwan, W., Habib, H., Courtney, G., Arisha, A., & Kennelly, S. (2016, December). An integrated approach of multi-objective optimization model for evaluating new supporting program in Irish hospitals. In 2016 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC) (pp. 1904-1915). IEEE.
Amr, A., & Wael, R. (2016). Modeling of healthcare systems: past, current and future trends. Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference TMK Roeder, PI Frazier, R. Szechtman, E. Zhou, T. Huschka, and SE Chick, Eds.--2016. Arlington, Virginia, USA, 1525–1534.
Rashwan, W., & Arisha, A. (2015, December). Modeling behavior of nurses in clinical medical unit in university hospital: burnout implications. In 2015 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC) (pp. 3880-3891). IEEE.
Mesabbah, M., Rashwan, W., & Arisha, A. (2014, December). An empirical estimation of statistical inferences for system dynamics model parameters. In Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference 2014 (pp. 686-697). IEEE.
Rashwan, W., Ragab, M., Abo-Hamad, W., & Arisha, A. (2013, December). Evaluating policy interventions for delayed discharge: a system dynamics approach. In 2013 Winter Simulations Conference (WSC) (pp. 2463-2474). IEEE.
Rashwan, W., Ragab, M. A., Abo-Hamad, W., & Arisha, A. (2013, December). Bed blockage in Irish hospitals: system dynamics methodology. In Proceedings of the 2013 Winter Simulation Conference: Simulation: Making Decisions in a Complex World (pp. 3984-3985).
Working Paper Series Arrow/TU Dublin
Rashwan, W. (2017). An integrated framework for staffing and shift scheduling in hospitals. PhD Thesis, College of Business, Technological University Dublin.
Trade Publications
McQuillan, D., Cooney, T. M., Nolan, C., Osaghae, O. G., Rashwan, W., & Sweeney, L. (2020). SME Manager Skills and Practices Survey (2020).