Dr Isobel O'Reilly
Research Expertise - Digital Marketing
Email: isobel.oreilly@tudublin.ie
Prior to joining TU Dublin, Dr O’Reilly had a dual role in teaching and management at a private third level college in Dublin for 5 years. In 2015, she then moved to TU Dublin - Blanchardstown Campus as an Assistant Lecturer in the School of Business, where in addition to teaching various marketing modules, she was part of a core team who designed and developed a new digital marketing degree that began on campus in 2016. In 2018, Dr O’Reilly progressed from Assistant Lecturer to Lecturer and in 2019 became the Programme Chair of the Digital Marketing undergraduate degree programme. Dr O’Reilly recently completed a 3-year term as an elected member of the Academic Council of the university from 2020-2023. She is now working on building her research team and potential students who are interested in completing a research masters/PhD part/full-time in any area of marketing are invited to contact her.