Clement Kang’ombe

Image for Clement Kang’ombe

PhD Researcher

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 PhD Researcher 

Clement is a TU Dublin funded PhD student working on a multi-disciplinary research project with CERI. His research focuses on developing predictive models using artificial intelligence algorithms to detect structural complications associated with myopia which can lead to loss of vision in later life. His aim is to use electronic health record data (age, gender, refraction, axial length, visual acuity) and routinely acquired retinal scans (colour fundus images and OCT) to extract useful features to aid in the detection and predictions of pathological myopia complications. This research will help early identification of eyes at the greatest risk of the structural complications of myopia and visual loss. Clinicians will be able to identify patients who stand to benefit most from interventions that can slow myopia progression. 










Image for Clement Kang’ombe