Dr. Sojan Mathew

Image for Dr. Sojan Mathew

Assistant Lecturer, BERIC Coordinator

Email: sojan.mathew@tudublin.ie

Tel: +3531225085

Dr Sojan Mathew lectures in the School of Surveying and Construction Innovation, TU Dublin and is the research co-ordinator of Built Environment Research Innovation Centre. He has over 15 years of teaching and research experience in Remote sensing, Photogrammetry, Geographic Information Systems, Dat Analytics and Geomorphology.
Previously he was researcher and lecturer in University College Dublin, Champlain College Dublin and worked as research scientist associate at University of Texas at Austin, USA.
His research focused mainly on applications of remote sensing and geographic information systems and photogrammetry in modelling geomorphological evolution of biophysical environments. Over the years, he secured around 4.7 million in research funding.
He has published in several international peer reviewed academic journals including Journal of Coastal research, Earth Surface Processes and forms, and Geomorphology.

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Image for Dr. Sojan Mathew