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Dr. Gerard Doyle

Image for Dr. Gerard Doyle



Dr Gerard Doyle lectures in the Department of Planning and Environment, TU Dublin, and is the Programme Chair of the MSc in Sustainable Development.  He has over 25 years’ experience working in the community and voluntary sector.

Previously, he taught in DCU, Maynooth University, and South East Technological University.

His research focuses mainly on community development, economic democracy, and the social economy.

He has published in a number of international peer reviewed academic journals including, International Journal of Business Research and Management, International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development, Journal of Co-operative Studies, and Resources, Conservation and Recycling. In addition, he has published in Irish journals including Administration, Irish Journal of Community Work and Working Notes.  He has published book chapters in several edited volumes including one which was published by IGI Global.  In 2012, he co-edited a publication, Social Enterprise in Ireland: A People’s Economy?’, which was published by Oak Tree Press.

His other publications can be sourced from ARROW@TU Dublin

He has served as a director of a number of social economy enterprises.  For several years, he was secretary of the Society for Co-operative Studies in Ireland where he performed a key role in promoting awareness of the role co-operatives can perform in, addressing the transition from fossil fuel dependency, providing quality elder care, and promoting economic democracy in Ireland.  This entailed making submissions to a number of government departments, organising international and national seminars and assisting in the development of educational materials relating to co-operatives and mutuality.

Orcid Profile

Image for Dr. Gerard Doyle