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Emma Geoghegan

Image for Emma Geoghegan

Head of Architecture


Emma Geoghegan is Head of Architecture at the School of Architecture, Building and Environment TU Dublin and as a registered architect has over 20 years experience in architectural practice in the UK and Ireland. She was a Vice President of the RIAI 2020-2021 and led on the development of the Cultivating Research initiative connecting researchers, practices and universities. Emma was the Irish project lead for ARCH4Change an Erasmus+ co-funded project 2020-2023, and is currently TU Dublin school lead for the national HEA €3.9m funded Building Change project - both projects are focussed on the why & how of implementing critical curricular change in architectural education. Also a researcher with the TU Dublin Centre for Socially Engaged Practice & Research, Emma is currently completing a PhD on care ethics, disability and the built environment.

Orcid Profile


Image for Emma Geoghegan