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TU Dublin Partner in Horizon 2020 funded project SignON

Published: 10 Dec, 2020

TU Dublin is a partner in the SignON project, which has received Horizon 2020 funding of €5.6M.

SignON is a user-centric and community-driven project that aims to facilitate the exchange of information among deaf and hard of hearing, and hearing individuals across Europe targeting the Irish, British, Dutch, Flemish and Spanish Sign, and English, Irish, Dutch, and Spanish oral languages. 

The SignON EU consortium of 17 European partners led by Prof. Andy Way, Professor of Computing at Dublin City University, Ireland (coordinator), and Dr Dimitar Shterionov Assistant Professor in Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence at Tilburg University, The Netherlands (scientific lead), have received this award to conduct state of the art research and develop a mobile solution for automatic translation between sign and oral (written and spoken) languages. 

The research team at TU Dublin, managed by Principal Investigator, Dr Irene Murtagh, will be responsible for the provision of the linguistically motivated NLP layer for sign language in this cutting-edge project. The Computational and Functional Linguistics Research Group on the University's Blanchardstown Campus will provide an interface between the natural language understanding (NLU) component and the sign language realisation (SLR) component, facilitating machine translation capability between verbal language and sign language.

More information about SignON is available from the Adapt Centre website.

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