Nutrition Society Irish Conference June 2025 hosted by TU Dublin - Call for Abstracts

Published: 23 Jan, 2025

Irish Section Conference - Promoting optimal nutrition for people and planet

An individual’s nutritional status impacts their health status and can reduce their risk of disease or aid with disease management. Primary prevention of disease through optimising diet and diet-related behaviours is a key strategy to improve population health. A more healthful dietary intake is also associated with better planetary health, and a focus on both is needed to ensure we meet the needs of the world’s growing population in a sustainable and equitable way.

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were created in 2015 with the aim of "peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future." At this conference, we will consider the intersection between nutrition and sustainability and consider how human and planetary health can be optimised as we go forward.

This conference will comprise three distinct, but related symposia. The first symposium introduces the concept of optimal nutrition throughout the lifecycle. The second explores the intersection of health, nutrition, and sustainability by describing sustainable interventions aimed at improving nutritional status. Finally, the third symposium looks to the future and considers policy implications of sustainable nutrition, with a particular focus on vulnerable population subgroups.


Call for Abstract

The abstract submission portal for the 'Irish Section Conference - Promoting optimal nutrition for people and planet is now open, please click HERE to submit your abstract and to learn more. Please read the guidance on how to submit your abstract using the Exordo system.

Please ensure that you read and follow the instructions to authors and submit your abstract by 31st March 2025. You must follow all the instructions to ensure that your abstract can be considered for publication in the Proceedings of the Nutrition Society. Your abstract does not have to relate to the specific theme of the conference. You may also find tips on writing a successful abstract useful


Event Details

  • Conference Organisers: Dr Liz O’Sullivan & Dr Eileen O’Brien
  • Date:Wednesday, 11th June 2025 - Friday 13th June 2025
  • Location: Central Quad, TU Dublin
  • Tickets and Registration will open soon.