Write TU Dublin Library Services a love letter or break-up letter
TU Dublin Library Services would love to know how you feel!
From February 14th to March 8th, students and staff can stop by our campus libraries to write love letters letting us know what you like about library services or break-up letters letting us know what we could improve. Write as little or as much as you would like. We would love to know how you really feel about our services, our physical and digital collections, and our spaces.
There are letter boxes at all five campus locations where you can drop your letter. Or, fill out our Microsoft Form online: https://forms.office.com/e/VqqhCnp69m
Letters and online feedback are completely anonymous but feel free to leave your contact information if you would like a reply.
If you would like further information, please contact Corinne Groble at corinne.groble@tudublin.ie.