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Library Services Research Events

Published: 28 Nov, 2024

Library Services works closely with TU Dublin’s Researcher Career Development team to deliver training sessions on many topics including Open Research, Data Publishing and Management. This December, research staff will be partaking in a series of seminars and workshops.

To register for any of the events, please log into your Core HR Portal. If you do not have a Core HR Portal account, please complete this Registration Form or send an email to


Session 1: How to Lead a Successful Research Project.

The “How to Lead a Successful Research Project” seminar will be taking place on 27th of November and 3rd of December. Participants will explore practical aspects of leading a research project at TU Dublin. Róisín Guilfoyle, Research Support Librarian, will be presenting at the seminar on the 3rd of December. Her presentation will include information on different types of research outputs, the most effective ways to reach your target audience and general tips on getting published.

Please note Participants are required to attend both days.

Time & Venue: Wednesday 27th November AND Tuesday, 03rd December 10.00am to 13.30pm in the Greenway Hub.

Who should attend
This training is strongly recommended for all Principal Investigators who are currently leading a research project in TU Dublin and/or any other member of TU Dublin staff who have just obtained funding or are about to apply for a substantial research grant. A certificate of completion will be issued to all participants.


Róisín Guilfoyle, Research Librarian.


Session 2:  Data Publishing and Sharing

Digital files need looking after and long-term stewardship of valuable research data is increasingly a central concern for researchers. Fortunately, the field of data stewardship is abuzz with activity, with new solutions being developed for storage and sharing and repositories offering ever more robust services to ensure that files stay supported, and data remains Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR). Research culture has changed: planning for data preservation and sharing has become a typical expectation of funding bodies, while there is now a greater awareness among researchers of the value of published datasets for the profile and impact of their work.

This session provides an overview of the concepts of Open and FAIR data, explores the options available for long-term sharing and includes a workshop on uploading to the Zenodo repository


Time & Venue: Thursday, 5th December, 10am to 12pm, Greenway Hub – GW-402.

Who should attend
Researchers and research-active staff at all stages of their career development.


Gerard Connolly, Data Librarian.
Lindsay Dowling, Open Research Support Unit Lead.


Session 3: GDPR and Data Security in Open Research

This session takes a deep breath and dives into the challenges surrounding the processing of personal and sensitive research data in an environment which is pushing towards greater openness and reusability. The workshop will reflect on best practices for data security during the lifetime of your project and beyond. It will explore practical approaches to minimising risk, gaining informed consent and deidentifying data. We'll look at case studies and highlight some useful tools and resources.”

Time & Venue: Thursday, 12th December, 10am to 12pm, online via Teams,

Who should attend
Researchers and research-active staff at all stages of their career development.


Gerard Connolly, Data Librarian.
Lindsay Dowling, Open Research Support Unit Lead.


If you would like more information on how we can support your students or research, contact a member of the Research Services team


If you would like more information on upcoming research events, please visit Research Innovation's webpage