Join us for our upcoming QQI Webinar on 22nd January. Register here

Social Justice Week

Published: 9 Nov, 2021

Join us at 1:00pm today for our next Social Justice week event.

Migrants and Refugees:  Tuesday 30th November at 1:00pm

Why is someone with a level 9 degree from a US University living in an Irish Direct Provision Centre?  

We will have the opportunity to hear what life is like in a Direct Provision Centre from a Palestinian Refugee, Amani, who has two children attending a Dublin University and she herself has a level nine qualification from a Boston University. This event will be streamed from our City Campus.  We will also hear from Michael who works to assist migrants when they arrive in Ireland - what are the joys and frustrations for him in his work.

Register once to join this talk and all other events during Social Justice Week


Coming upTomorrow:

World Aids Day:  Glow Red, Stop the Spread 

Wear it! Pin it!  

Talks will be held on Friday 

two staff members wearing red tshirts for World Aids Day




Social Justice week has been annual event on the Tallaght Campus for many years and is now extended across all campuses t to bring together students and staff across the many campuses to raise awareness around Social Justice Issues. Our committee comprises of the members of the Pastoral Care Team and Student Union.

We have set up  a webpage which will give links to each day’s activities and an opportunity to hear the talks, panel discussion and  watch our students who have created videos about their lives and interests. Watch this space for more information on our themes this week:

  • World’s Aids Day
  • Domestic Abuse Awareness
  • Persons with Disabilities Day.

It also affords us to get involved in the fundraiser for the Peter McVerry Trust and the online SVP Collection.

Register to join any or all events during Social Justice Week


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