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Lunchtime walking groups

Published: 1 Apr, 2024

Following on from the success enjoyed by teams during Smarter Travel for campuses Walktober and Marchathon step challenges, TU Dublin Sustainability wants to encourage and support walking groups all year-round. 

The health benefits of walking

In Ireland a recent survey showed that more than a third of Irish people said that they never engage in any form of physical exercise. Taking the time out of busy study and work schedules to get involved in sport is a common barrier to people maintaining physically active lifestyles. However, keeping fit and healthy doesn't need to be complicated. Walking daily, as a form of exercise is one of simplest and most effective ways to improve your health. By travelling actively, such as walking to or within campus, people have an opportunity to improve their physical health and sense of well-being. Walking regularly as a form of travel supports many of the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), in particular SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being, SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities, and SDG 13: Climate Action.

The health benefits of walking include:

Experts recommend us to walk at a brisk pace to enjoy the associated physical health benefits – however far you choose to walk is dependent on your ability and availability, but as a guideline, the recommended 10,000 steps daily is equivalent to approximately eight kilometres.

Walking as an environmental action

By travelling actively, such as walking to or within campus, people are contributing to the reduction of air pollution and the creation of safer and more sustainable cities and communities. As part of our many Smarter Travel for Campuses initiatives we are encouraging students and staff to take action to reduce litter on campus by bringing a litter pick pack with you on your walk. Litter pick packs will be available at the below stations.

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