TU Dublin Process Pregnancy Risk Assessment
- Pregnant staff member/student (or line manager/ Head of School on their behalf) contacts the SHW Office as soon as they are aware of the pregnancy, so that a pregnancy risk assessment can be carried out.
- The staff/student member self enrols on the online pregnant, post-natal and breast feeding parents training course located in the Safety Hub – pregnancy and breastfeeding section and completes the Expectant Mother’s Risk Assessment. Pregnancy Risk Assessment Form
- The staff member/student completes the online training and assessment as soon as possible or within a four-week timeline.
- This risk assessment highlights areas of concern and gives advice on appropriate controls/actions.
- On completion of this, the staff member/student downloads their individual Assessment Report, emails it to their line manager/ Head of School and copies it to the SHW Office shw@tudublin.ie.
- On receipt of the completed Assessment Report, the Occupational Health Advisor (OHA) reviews it and advises the line manager/Head of School on appropriate control measures and any further actions required.
- The line manager/ Head of School works with the staff member/student to implement all control measures.
- The OHA updates the online Assessment Report to record status of action items.
- Where medical issues arise in relation to the pregnant staff members/student’s safety, or if the staff member/student is in an area where significant hazards such as chemicals are present, the SHW Office may refer the staff member/student to the external Occupational Health Service Provider.
- The same process applies and the recommended controls are implemented.
- Prior to returning to work following maternity leave, those who intend to take breastfeeding breaks must notify Human Resources at least four weeks in advance of their return. The arrangements for, and the legal entitlement to such breaks is outlined in the Maternity Leave Policy which is available from Human Resources. Where there is a designated rest facility, access to same for the purposes of breastfeeding/expressing milk is facilitated by the SHW Office and is available to both staff members and students on request.
- The first-aid rooms also serve as a rest facility for pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers. They are each equipped with a sink, nursing chair, fridge and steriliser.
- Location of first-aid/breast feeding rooms in TU Dublin
Protection of pregnant, post natal and breastfeeding employees
Biological Agents and Reproductive Health