Health Surveillance

Safety, Health & Welfare Health Surveillance Arrangements

Health surveillance is a legal requirement in specific circumstances when there is still some residual risk to employees health despite the control measures implemented, and they are likely to be exposed to:

  • noise
  • vibration
  • substances that are hazardous to health

Health surveillance is used to identify occupational diseases, such as:

  • chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  • occupational asthma
  • dermatitis
  • silicosis 

TU Dublin Arrangements

Pre-employment medicals are facilitated by the Human Resources Office at recruitment stage.

In accordance with Section 22 of the SHWW Act 2005, health surveillance is made available to employees appropriate to the health and safety risks present. School/Function risk assessments will determine if *health surveillance is required in relation to the work activities and the risks to safety, health and welfare in that area.

Health surveillance at TU Dublin is provided by an external Occupational Health Service Provider. Employees are encouraged to avail of any health surveillance provided. ‘Medical’ risk control measures, including vaccinations are provided through the appointed external Occupational Health Physician.

Employees who are regular users of Visual Display Units (VDUs) can avail of free eye and eyesight tests at the National Optometry Centre (NOC), Central Quad, Grangegorman. 


Process in TU Dublin 
  • Following environmental monitoring, health surveillance maybe a corrective action recommended in the report.
  • The OHA and Head of School liaises with staff member to schedule health surveillance where required with an external Occupational Health Service Provider.
  • Once scheduled, staff can avail of the service.
  • The Occupational Health Service Provider completes the required health surveillance e.g. audiometry testing and a report is sent to the SHW Office and communicated by the OHA to the Head of School/ Function and relevant staff member.
*“health surveillance” means the periodic review, for the purpose of protecting health and preventing occupationally related disease, of the health of employees, so that any adverse variations in their health that may be related to working conditions are identified as early as possible.


What is the purpose of the pre-employment health assessment?

The purpose of the pre-employment health assessment is to determine the applicant's medical fitness for work. It is important to ensure that the applicant can perform the role safely without undue risk to their health or that of others. Special recommendations or accommodations about work or work practice may be made as a result of this assessment.

What is the purpose of an occupational health or work assessment?

Occupational health or work assessments are usually performed to ensure that being at work will not adversely the health of an employee. They are usually performed -where an employee has been out sick for a prolonged period, or before an employee returns to work after prolonged absence, perhaps because of frequent short term absences, or when a suspicion arises that poor work performance may be due to a health related matter, or sometimes to determine if rehabilitation of an employee is feasible or if early retirement on the grounds of ill-health should be considered.

What other specific occupational health assessments may be performed?

Other specific occupational health assessments include the following: eye and eyesight tests (VDU assessments), respiratory surveillance investigations, noise/hearing surveillance programmes,  drugs of abuse screening, VO2 max assessments, skin surveillance etc. The aim of these assessments is protect and maintain the health of the employee.