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Minister Donohoe Visits Blanchardstown Campus to Launch Project Ireland 2040 Progress Tracker

Published: 1 May, 2024

The Minister for Public Expenditure NDP Delivery and Reform, Paschal Donohoe T.D., visited the University's Blanchardstown Campus to launch the updated Investment Projects and Programmes Tracker and updated the MyProjectIreland interactive map.

During his visit - where he was also joined by Senator Regina Doherty, Senator Emer Currie and Councillor Steve O’Reilly - the Minister visited the construction site of a 4,067m2 teaching building funded under Project 2040. Áras Geal will consist of classrooms, IT laboratories, informal learning resource space, administration space and ancillary spaces. It will increase the capacity of the TU Dublin Blanchardstown campus by approximately 600 students, catering for Northwest Dublin and neighbouring counties, which are some of the fastest-growing populations in the country.

TU Dublin: Blanchardstown Campus - General Teaching Building

Project Ireland 2040 incorporates a transparent long-term strategy for public capital projects out to 2040. The 10-year period from 2030 is backed by €165 billion in funding, as presented in the National Development Plan 2021–2030. Last published in February 2023, the updated Tracker and Map published today on showcase the steady progress being made in the delivery of this substantial Plan. 

Speaking on Wednesday, Minister Donohoe said: 

"I am delighted to be here today at the new Teaching Building, which is under construction at the TU Dublin Blanchardstown campus. This is an excellent example of the type of project being developed under the National Development Plan. It is only one of many examples of the significant progress that we are continuing to make in the delivery of Project Ireland 2040. The investment tracker and interactive map provide those living here with a comprehensive overview of the capital projects being delivered or planned for their town, city, county, province and region. I am delighted to be able to state that the overall level of capital funding is now at an all-time high. In 2024, €13 billion is being made available for investment to provide more schools and homes and to improve hospital facilities and other vital infrastructure that will make a real difference in delivering better public services".  

Read the full announcement here.