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TU Dublin Presents at EU Hands-on-SHAFE Meeting in Warsaw

Published: 16 May, 2022

In May 2022, researchers from the School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering attended a 3-day workshop to demonstrate and evaluate e-learning materials in development over the previous six months.

The work on the Hands-on SHAFE project is funded by the ERASMUS programme. SHAFE stands for "Smart Healthy Age-Friendly Environments" and emphasises the use of technology, the importance of health & wellness, and the design of places to support independent living.

Attending the workshop were Paula Kelly, Michael Core, Charlie Pritchard and Damon Berry from the tPOT research group based in the School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering. The purpose of the workshop, which was hosted by the Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography, Warsaw University of Technology, was to demonstrate and evaluate the second tranche of learning materials which are under development by the Hands-on SHAFE project partners.

Within the project, the role of the TU Dublin team is to develop learning materials about mobile devices, wearables and smart home technology for "SHAFE facilitators" who work with older people. According to Dr Berry, who leads the TU Dublin "SMART" work package in the project, the "SMART" learning materials adopt an ECDL-style approach to mobile, wearable and smart home technologies.

Read more about Hands-on-SHAFE here.