Re-Imagining Higher Education through Equity, Inclusion, and Sustainability - RISE 2022

Published: 23 Mar, 2022

Higher education today is going through a period of transformative change. To explore the challenges of our times, EUt+ partner, Technical University of Sofia, is hosting Re-Imagining Higher Education through Equity, Inclusion, and Sustainability from 1-3 Sep 2022.

RISE 2022 is the second EUt+ international conference on equality and inclusion in higher education and will take place on TU Sofia's Black Sea Campus in Sozopol (subject to the prevailing public health guidelines). 

Call for Papers

The challenges of our times–equity, inclusion and sustainability–find expression in higher education institutions through student demands for inclusion, staff expectations of equity in the workplace and government expectations that higher education institutions will lead on the green agenda. It is timely, then, to reimagine the higher education model in the context of the global transformations being experienced in higher education institutions. These transformations are values-led, grounded in social and climate justice. This conference provides an opportunity for paper-givers and panellists to reflect on the contexts in which a positive reimagining of higher education occurs, the relevance of equity, inclusion and sustainability for this transformative change, and the opportunities and challenges for higher education institutions as they grow into the 21st century.


This call for papers invites scholars and practitioners to address the reimagining of higher education and consider it through one of the following themes:

  • Explore the impact of different cultural contexts that shape higher education transformation today and the creation of strategies, policies and plans for an equitable, inclusive and sustainable model of higher education.
  • Discuss the inclusive form leadership takes in the modern higher education landscape.
  • Address justice issues, their intersectionality with historical legacies of injustice, and institutional responses to them in higher education.
  • Consider the intersection of inclusion and the green/climate agenda, and how they can reinforce one another in the higher education context.
  • Assess the utility of EU diversity charters, and other European initiatives to foster inclusive societies.
  • Share innovative and inclusive teaching approaches and pedagogiesReimaginee higher education through ‘whole of education’ and ‘whole of society’ perspectives.
  • Evaluate the commitment in higher education to the 2030 Sustainable Goals agenda, concerning (among others)
    • Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
    • Goal 4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
    • Goal 5. Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
    • Goal 8. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
    • Goal 10. Reduce inequality within and among countries
    • Goal 13. Climate action
    • Goal 16. Peace, justice and strong institutions

Read more about RISE 2022.