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Garda National Youth Awards 2022

Published: 15 Nov, 2022

TU Dublin Student Eeman Fatima Receives Garda National Youth Awards

TU Dublin Accounting & Finance student Eeman Fatima is one of just 23 young people to receive a Garda National Youth Award in recognition of her good work in making the community a better place to live.

The Garda Youth Awards, at a Divisional and National level, celebrates outstanding young people aged between 13 and 21 years and recognises the good work they do throughout their communities. A local Juvenile Liaison created the first-ever Award in West Cork in 1995 when he noticed that the young people in the community were doing tremendous things which deserved recognition. The awards have grown in leaps and bounds since then.

Eeman, who studies Accounting and Finance on the University’s Blanchardstown Campus, received the honour due to her wide-ranging community work, including helping shielding neighbours get groceries during the pandemic and volunteering at Halliwick Swimming in Waterford, where she taught children with disabilities to swim. Eeman also interned with  An Garda Síochána, increasing the visibility of the Brown Hijabi in the workforce.

Read more about the Garda National Youth Awards.