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TU Dublin Student Support Fund Raises Over €30,000

Published: 28 Jan, 2021

In July 2020, TU Dublin President, Professor David FitzPatrick launched the inaugural Student Support Fund.

The campaign goal was to raise €25,000 to fund initiatives across the University that support students most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Through staff and our alumni network's generosity, an amazing €30,425.00 was raised.

Following TU Dublin staff and alumni's generous response to the campaign, a competitive grant round was opened to all schools, departments, and functions across the University. The Student Support Grants' focus is to fund projects that address an identified student need and show the potential to deliver significant impact for student groups facing increased challenges. All grant applications were reviewed by a committee formed for the specific purposes of allocating the funding. The committee was chaired by TU Dublin Registrar and Deputy President, Dr Mary Meaney, and comprised representatives from the Students' Union, Chaplaincy services and TU Dublin Foundation.

TU Dublin Foundation is delighted to have advanced €14,400 in funding to seven deserving projects through the Student Support Grants. An additional high potential project was funded separately by the University. Details of the projects supported are below. The President would like to sincerely thank all staff who contributed so generously to the Student Support Fund.

The next Student Support Grant round will be launched in the coming months. If you have a project you believe responds to identified student need, please contact Anna McCarthy to discuss making an application.

View information on projects funded to datethrough the Student Support Grants.