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TU Dublin Launches Women Entrepreneurs Support

Published: 8 Oct, 2021

Women Entrepreneurs Support or ‘WE Support’ is a new TU Dublin initiative to increase the representation of women in entrepreneurship across all TU Dublin disciplines.

We Support offers end-to-end support throughout the programme and provides dedicated event information, relevant resources, potential funding, and other supports to the participants.

Launching WE Support; TU Dublin Vice President of SustainabilityJennifer Boyer said: 'As the inaugural Vice President of Sustainability for TU Dublin, I am delighted to officially launch Women Entrepreneurs (WE) Support by designing the CLIMATE ACTION CHALLENGE for WE HACK. A key objective at TU Dublin is to increase awareness, participation, and action through events like WE HACK, which nurtures and supports women entrepreneurs to develop solutions that save our planet."

WE Support opens with a two-day hackathon – 'WE Hack' (supported by TU Dublin colleagues in CONVENE) on Thursday 28th of October and Friday 29th of October. Participants will form teams to address the 'Vice Presidents Quest' available here.

'The WE Hack challenge is designed to embrace the wicked challenges of sustainability and offers unique opportunities to create and realize the infinite possibilities of our future,' Jennifer Boyer added.

Prize Pack for WE Hack:

  • Overall, winners receiving a mentorship and marketing pack to the value of €20k to continue to develop their idea
  • Successful teams from WE HACK will then have the opportunity to present their winning ideas at a pitch event as part of TU Dublin's involvement with the European University of Technology."
  • Individual and Team Spot prizes to be won throughout the event

Welcoming the announcement, Susan HayesCulleton (Managing Director, HayesCulleton Group), who will be moderating WE Support and hosting WE HACK, said:‘I'm delighted to be part of this initiative as it truly offers support to women entrepreneurs at every single stage of their journey here at TU Dublin – from an undergraduate dreaming of running their own business to a member of the alumni who wants to avail of peer support. There is genuine, substantiative help available to businesses through engaging with the university as I've seen myself first-hand in our own company as well as through meeting the diversity of amazing women who have offered their authentic insights throughout #TUDublinWeSupport.'

Susan HayesCulleton

If you are a TU Dublin student or staff member and would like to participate in the 'Vice Presidents Quest' and WE HACK at the end of October, register today and join potential entrepreneurs and pan-university teams from TU Dublin. Apply by filling out the form.

For more information, please see