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TU Dublin ESTeEM Hosts Inspiring Webinars for Students in IT, Engineering and Apprenticeships

Published: 26 Mar, 2021

TU Dublin's unique mentorship programme for female students ESTeEM, which aims to address gender inequality in Engineering, IT, and Apprenticeships, hosted four webinars on a range of topics about work from the importance of EDI and keeping the show on the road in COVID times.

At these webinars, TU Dublin students get the opportunity to learn from high profile professionals working in the competitive industries of IT, Engineering and Craft Apprenticeships.

They learn about the technical and industry skills they must develop to excel in their chosen field while finding plenty of opportunities to start building a professional work network amongst their student colleagues, lecturers and ESTeEM mentors.

The events were organised by Leslie Shoemaker, Saer Academic Lead (ESTeEM), Therese Fitzgerald, Access to Apprenticeship (Women Building the Future), Rebecca Jones, Pre-Entry Access Officer (Building ESTeEM) and Michelle Looby, Senior Lecturer in Blanchardstown (one of the founders of WITUWomen ITechnology United and in conjunction with Equality, Diversity and Inclusion at TU Dublin. 

All four webinars are now available to view on YouTube here, and more information about ESTeEM can be found on this webpage