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Three Clusters for EUt+ Engineering Programmes

Published: 29 Sep, 2021

During the launch week of the EUt+ Alliance, a trajectory of convergence towards common training programmes for European degrees in engineering at Bachelor and Master levels were agreed upon.

Bachelors and Masters' clusters have a common objective based on mobility and expertise. They will be clusters of pre-existing national curricula, which converge progressively towards a common road map involving at least three EUt+ partner institutions.

They guarantee a supportive, challenging and visionary learning environment, where the student must follow a supervised process to graduate:

  • A (minimal) path of discovery, thematic and geographic
  • Final learning outcomes
  • General competencies based on a self-evaluation process of situated learning

The eight universities of EUt+ agreed on the following three clusters, for Bachelor and Master, focusing on Civil engineering, Mechanical engineering and Telecommunications and Networks, to enforce the implementation of the EUt+ curricula.

Ultimately, mobility will be compulsory in these EUt+ degrees. At undergraduate level, at least one semester must be completed in one of the partners' campuses, according to generally predefined schemes. At Master's level, at least one semester will be spent elsewhere on another campus. EUt+ will implement a large panel of mobilities for students, academic and professional, management and support staff to create cohesion and accelerate the formal and informal exchanges, necessary to ensure a smooth and gradual convergence.

The evaluation of final learning outcomes will be harmonised between partners by 2024, based on the capability to mobilise competencies by cluster.  The curricula for incoming and outgoing EUt+ students will open in September 2022.

EUt+ engineering programmes will be based on standards defined in the European Standards and Guidelines and the ENAEE. They are aligned with the EUt+ application in response to the second call for "European Universities".

The EUt+ partners agreed to acknowledge the "EUt+ students" by a specific recognition that aims to develop an European degree in the future.