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Students, have your say on the future of Dublin!

Published: 9 Sep, 2021

Have your say on the future of your city and win One4all vouchers doing it!

Berghain, Broadstone doesn’t have quite the same ring to it as Berghain, Berlin, but that might be because 56% of Dubliners listed Berlin as the best European city for nightlife while 73% rated Dublin’s nightlife poorer than other cities they have visited abroad. These are the results of a Your Dublin Your Voice survey from February 2020 concerning attitudes to the Night-Time Economy.

Other suggestions put forward by 18-34 year olds included ‘improved public transport,’ ‘more free/low-cost activities,’ and ‘increased safety.’ A similar survey, which asked about people’s attitudes to Building Back Better after the pandemic, saw 18-34 year olds highlight improvements to cycling and pedestrian infrastructure as the greatest encouragement to walking and cycling more.

Your Dublin Your Voice surveys covers a wide selection of topics concerning students, ranging from the environment to retail attitudes. The surveys have been going since 2010 with the goal of getting people who live, work and study in Dublin to share their views on the capital and giving them an opportunity to suggest things they would like to see changed or improved.

With a current panel of around 4,800 members, Your Dublin Your Voice welcomes anyone over the age of 18 to sign up for free and participate, which can be done at These results are shared across Dublin City Council and beyond, to give councillors and businesses an insight into what is going on in their city and help them to improve their services.

Student input is vital. As the old adage goes, young people are the future, which is why we’re reaching out to you to get your opinion. In our most recent survey, only 5% of respondents identified themselves as students even though they make up a significant portion of the city’s population. The opinions of students are indispensable, as it is your generation that will shape the future of the city, so it is crucial that your opinions are heard.

So get involved and not only will you help shape the future of Dublin but you can enter a draw to win One4all vouchers. So sign up here and the next time you go shopping in Dublin’s vibrant city centre, your purchases could be on us!