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OPW Hosts Horticulture Students on Private Tour of Heywood Gardens In Laois

Published: 29 Nov, 2021

Students studying Horticulture on the University's Blanchardstown Campus were recently invited as guests of the Office of Public Works to Heywood Gardens in Co. Laois for a guided tour of the Gardens by Head Craft Gardener, Mr Eoin Long.

During the private tour, Eoin gave an overview of the historical aspect of the gardens, which were designed by British Architect Edwin Lutyens and completed in 1912. As the students walked through the 50 acres of gardens, lakes, woodland and architectural features, he explained how the wide lawn forms one axis with the house while the pathway to the oval or foundation garden forms a cross axis. He advised it is believed the gardens planting scheme was implemented by the renowned garden designer Gertrude Jekyll.

The students enjoyed being immersed in the nature and pure grandeur of these historical gardens with its romantic landscape.

“It was wonderful to get this tour, which brought us to areas not accessible by the public. The history of the place is amazing. To be able to see such a beautifully designed garden brings to life the principles of design that we learnt in College.” Caroline – Student on the Horticulture programme.

Horticulture Students Visit Heywood Gardens

Lecturer in Horticulture, Ms Rachel Freeman, expressed her deep thanks to the OPW and head craft gardener Eoin Long for facilitating this visit. “ It is a great opportunity for students to spend time in and experience a historical landscape of this significance”. In addition, there is a vital learning experience in hearing first-hand what is involved of managing a historical landscape as an open public amenity, whilst balancing that with the restoration of the grounds, architectural features and extensive broadleaf woodlands”. 

Heywood Gardens