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Cyber Security Academy 2021

Published: 27 Apr, 2021

As part of the National Cyber Security Programme for Young People in Ireland, which was recently launched by the Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science, Simon Harris TD, TU Dublin is delighted to announce a Cyber Security Academy commencing June 2021.

Funded under the SFI Discover Programme, the Cyber Security Academy will run in conjunction with Cyber Ireland and Cyber Skills, hosted at Technological University Dublin and Munster Technological University.

The Cyber Security Academy is the first of its kind national cybersecurity training programme in Ireland for young people. It will consist of a series of fun and engaging activities for young people (11-18 year old’s) to help them explore their interest in tech by introducing them to the world of cybersecurity.

The Academy will include an Online Cyber Camp, where students will explore topics such as Cyber Crime Investigation, Cryptography & Authentication, Ethical Hacking while discussing the impact of Cyber Security on society. The Online Cyber Camp will run from the 8th – 12th of June 2021 online, and students can register their interest in participating here.  

The Academy will also include Career talks from Cyber Security professionals from diverse roles and backgrounds who will encourage students to change their perception of Cyber Security to an aspirational, mainstream career option for young people from all backgrounds. 

Thirdly, the Academy will include a National Cyber Schools Challenge (NCSC). This is a fun, national competition to test students’ skills as hackers and learn Cyber Security skills. It is open to all ages (11-18 years), and no background in IT or Computing is required.  

The Cyber Security Academy is preparing the next generation to contribute to Ireland’s economic growth and as a safe and secure place to live and work by promoting science and technology among school students, reducing the gender imbalance in this field and improving proficiency in computer science among its trainees. 

For more information, please visit